Compton Heights Concert Band
Guest Artists
Sunrise Serenades-YouTube!




Featured Guests of the Compton Heights Concert Band

Mariachi Los Camperos de Nati Cano, The ReBirth Brass Band, BNFL British Brass Band, the Nuclear Whales Saxophone Orchestra, M.U. Steel, Abbey Road Warriors, PROJECT Trio!, Die Deutschen Naturhornsolisten, The Four Hornsmen of the Apocalypse, the Canadian Brass; Mariachi Los Compadres (St. Louis), Sukay, Music of the Andes with Pachamama Band, Bolivian, Cuban and Brazilian Carnaval; Alton Youth Symphony Chamber Group, Miss Jubilee and the Humdingers, The Clarion Brass, Ironweed Bluegrass Band, Swampweed Cajun Band, Sins of the Pioneers, St. Louis Osuwa Taiko, Second Nature, Butchwax & the Hollywoods, the Lennon Brothers with Gail Lennon; the Lennon Sisters, The Holiday Saxes, Cincinnati Herald Trumpet Ensemble, Red Lehr & the St. Louis Rivermen, The Dixieland Six, Sins of the Pioneers, Steve Davis in Memories of Elvis, Thomas Hickey Tribute to Buddy Holly, Those Darn Accordions, The Prettiots, Stoneback Sisters & Stoneback Brass, Sax-O-Peel, and Buckwheat Zydeco.

Guest Soloists:
Nicole Cabell, Gina Galati, Sylvia Ray, Sigrun Hjalmtysdottir, Hugh Kash Smith, William Warfield, Malachi Owens, Noree Boyd, Beverly Buck Brennan, Deborah Martin, Mary Elizabeth Sinclair, Beverly Stewart-Anderson, Johnnie Johnson, Peggy Morton, Tom Heitman, Julie Kavanaugh, Madeline Edwards, and Robert Ellison. To see Robert Ellison with the Band in December 2016, see Robert Ellison "God Bless the USA".

Instrumentalists and Unusual Instruments:
Many instrumental have appeared such as trumpeters Susan Slaughter, Gary Smith, Malcolm McDuffee, Geoffrey Gallante Arturo Sandoval and Doc Severensen; pianists, Mark Frederickson (St. Louis Storm), Peter Nero and his Trio, Lindsay Garritson, Johnnie Johnson, Mary Mottl, David Foote, Jean Kittrell, and Marjorie Judith Vincent; marimba artist Debbye Turner-Bell; xylophonists, Julia Gaines, Wm. Shane Williams; percussion, Tom Stubbs and Richard O'Donnel; oboist, Alex Klein; clarinetists, Robert Coleman, George Mellott, Christina Ward, and Ricardo Morales; bassoon, Robert Mottl; tuba, Steve Seward, Harvey Phillips; trombone, Jonathan Reycraft, Bernard Schneider, John Tafoya, Roger Davenport, Tim Myers, and Master Sgt. Scott Shelsta; brass, John Maier; French Horn, Nancy Schick; piccolo, Jan Gippo; violin, Rebecca Boyer, and Lorraine Glass-Harris; euphonium, Timothy Myers; saxophones Bill Archer, Randy Hodge, Tom O'Brien, Jerry Robinson, Don Kelly, Greg Robinson, Randy Thompson; organ, Cameron Carpenter, Stan Kann and Ernie Hays. The Compton Heights Band has also featured unusual instruments including Stan Musial (harmonica), Dr. Robert Froehner (theremin), Carolinn Skyler (glass armonica), Stan Kann (vacuum cleaner), Myron Floren (accordion); Larry Ludwig (sitar); Steve Charpie (Keyed-Bugle); Johnny Baier, John Becker (banjo); Bob Driscoll (Bagpipes); Dewitt Scotty Scott (steel guitar); Mason T. Capps (mandolin) / Carl Capps, Billy Peek (guitar); David Morris, The World's Top Whistler; and Rick Hubbard in Kazoobie (kazoo).

Conductors, Narrators, Special Appearances, and Composers:
Conductors: Kaid Friedel, Malcolm McDuffee, Gregory Fox, Edward Dolbashian. Assistant Conductors Steve Robinson, Hi Martin, Ed Carson, and John McEnulty. Guest conductors and other artists included James Christensen (Walt Disney World); Keith Brion, Sousa portrayer; Herbert L. Clarke, Andrew Glover, Dallas Blair, Wm. Shane Williams; Narrators William Warfield, John Pertzborn, Johnny Rabbit, Jim Holder, Art Fleming, Elaine Viets, Nan Wyatt, Mary Phelan, Stephanie E. Williams, Kitty Swanger, Elyse Tillman, Sam and Stephanie Tillman, Sonny Mason, and long-time announcer Lucy Schroeder. Special Appearances by Helen Stephens (Olympics), Francis Johnson (Olympics), Ron Sadler, Roger Weismueller, Fredbird, Rick Meagher, Ray Bluth, St. Louis Rhythmic Gymnastics, St. Louis University Cheerleaders and Pom Poms, Flora, the Elephant, Circus Flora, the St. Louis Arches, Bishop DuBourg Swing Dancers, Alexandria Ballet, Gateway Ballet, Moosic!, and the Flying Waldendas. Commissioned Work The Compton Heights Band commissioned an original work by Robert Wykes, "A Summer Day in Compton Heights Park" which was performed at the Band's hosting of the ACB Convention at the Chase Park Plaza. Other concert band arrangements / transcriptions were done by Jerald Robinson, John Thomas, and Michael Brown for various guest artists.

Jazz Bands:
Guest Jazz Bands: The Riverview Gardens Community Jazz Band, Kevin Walsh, Conductor with Ginny Herr, vocalist, and The Lincoln High School Jazz Band with Ron Carter, Conductor. The Lincoln High School Jazz Band performed at the Compton Heights Band's "Pizzazz and Jazz" Concert at Frontenac Plaza in 1993 with Guest Artist, Arturo Sandoval.

The Compton Heights Band has collaborated with several choirs, including The Gospel Symphonic Choir with Dello Thedford, The Legend Singers, The Columbia Chorale, The Missouri Choral Society, The Metro Singers (Kevin McBeth and Mark Marting), The St. Louis County Community Chorus (Jim Buffaloe), St. Louis Hills Chorus (John Walsh), East Central College Choir, Anheuser-Busch Chorus, All Saint's Episcopal Church (Aquilla Tinglin, Music Director), Saint Paul A.M.E. Church (Mark Brooks, Music Director), Sumner High School (Delores Greathouse, Music Director), Third Baptist Church (Gregory Riddle, Music Director), West Side Baptist Church (Robert Ray, Music Director), Marian Middle School Choir.

Painter and Authors:
The band concert experience has been expressed to the public through music, words, and even by a plein air painter, BillyO . To read a vivid description of a summer concert, see The Sounds of Summer, written by Robert E. Knittel from his book "Walking in Tower Grove Park". The Band was included in many newspaper articles throughout the years in the Post-Dispatch, Globe-Democrat, Riverfront Times, Suburban Journal Newspapers, St. Louis American, Ladue News, Town & Style, The Marquis, The Call, and many others. The Band was also featured in writings by Elaine Viets and Nini Harris and recently in a book by Amanda Doyle "Tower Grove Park: Common Ground and Grateful Shade" available at

Additional Video clips: Sunrise Serenades-YouTube.

Hugh Smith and East Central College Combined Choirs in Ode to Joy 2016

Gina Galati in Ave Maria 2016

"Johnnie Johnson"


Bob Ellison, Baritone


Compton Heights Band, Inc.
PO Box 510121
St. Louis, MO 63151
Office (314) 776-2227