Robert Ellison
Backstage Bio

Robert Ellison has been a perennial favorite of Compton Heights Band audiences.

Retired from the USAF, where he was Band Superintenant and Vocalist for the Air Force Band, Ellison has thrilled audiences worldwide. Robert Ellison has been a soloist with the Compton Heights Band for 40 years. Retired from the USAF, Chief Master Sargeant, he performed as a guest soloist with ensembles including the St. Louis Symphony with Richard Hayman; the Pittsburgh Symphony and in productions of Showboat, Two Gentleman of Verona, Godspell and many more. He was featured in a cable TV Compton Heights Band produced in-concert version of Porgy & Bess at Sunday Serenades and Musical Mondays concert series in 2000 with Beverly Stewart Anderson and the Legend Singers. Bob also toured with the Compton Heights Band under the auspices of the Missouri Arts Council Touring Program. In 2005, Bob sang with Nicole Cabell, the 2005 BBC Singer of the World at the Band's annual Powell Hall Holiday Spectacular concert. Bob started singing with the Band in the 1980's in its annual Musical Mondays series and annual Memorial Day concerts under our original conductor, Kaid Friedel, a member of the St. Louis Symphony horn section. With his enormous personality, booming baritone voice and service in the US Air Force, Bob has become an incredible fan favorite of the Compton Heights Concert Band. His amazing voice continues on magnificently. We are honored that he shared his wonderful artistry with our audiences.
Bob Ellison

Bob Ellison and Beverly Stewart Anderson thrilled the audiences when they soloed for an in-concert version of Porgy & Bess at the Band's Sunday Serenades & Musical Mondays series.

Robert brought everyone to their feet at the Band's annual Powell Hall Holiday Pops Concerts - December 2001, 2005, 2008, and 2015-2020.


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Compton Heights Concert Band
Compton Heights Band, Inc.
3120 Lafayette Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63104
Call 314-776-2227
Fax 314-772-9797